NEW Video: No Way Norway
Many of you may be aware of the recent rise in tensions between Canada and Norway, over Norway’s unscrupulous decision to make a bigger moose than Moose Jaw Saskatchewan’s “Mac the Moose.” Moose Jaw is fighting back and is committed to reclaiming the record of having the world’s tallest moose.
This week Norway released a song, Moose Truce, suggesting, among other things, we agree to moose of equal height. Moose Jaw says NO. As a concerned Canadian, so do I.
I have accepted the challenge to write a musical rebuttal to Norway’s song. I accepted the call to action, and with the Mayor’s blessing, finished and recorded this anthem over the weekend. Band members were called to order and many answered the call.
Behold, ‘No Way, Norway‘… I haven’t been this fired-up in 10 years.
I had not heard of this threat to world peace, but I sure got a smile listening to the diplomatic terms of negotiation!