United Breaks Guitars
The power of one voice in the age of social media
“The story of Dave Carroll’s broken guitar is the profoundly moving account of how one man took on an implacable system and won. In a world pervaded by doom and gloom, his story is a rare and welcome burst of sunshine.”
“By far, the greatest story of one person’s social-media victory over big-airline lies and mistreatment. It’s why all companies better stand up and pay attention to every single voice. You will love Dave Carroll, his story, his victory, and his YouTube video. This is not just a book. It’s a service lesson and a warning about social consumerism.”
“If you have customers, then you should read this book to understand how one frustrated—and talented—customer named Dave Carroll taught corporate America how to treat people better.”
“As anyone who’s heard him sing or seen him speak knows, Dave Carroll is a master storyteller. In this delightful and insightful book, Dave unveils the amazing true story of the video sensation that changed the worlds of social media and customer service.”
“Dave Carroll tells the inspiring tale of how he handled a frustrating situation nonconfrontationally, with a mission of ‘improving the world, one experience at a time.’ His story resonated with me, and it will move you, too!”

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As a high school journalism teacher, I was looking for the perfect novel to have my students read. This summer, I found it in United Breaks Guitars. UBG is fun, easy to read, and has a great messgae for my journalism students!
I loved the video but wow… A book? Seriously? But it’s a smart idea and United has a bad customer care service so it works.
wow .. great story ! watch the video where he’s talking about youtube.com/watch?v=q2_CtKqrIWI
Dave – We need to talk. The International Customer Service Association would LOVE to connect with you. Call me, write me, email me – whatever.
Bill Gessert
President – International Customer Service Association
While I’ve never experienced United’s bad service, the song is catchy and plays in my head whenever I deal with them.
I use this example in my teaching social media – Well done by the way!
Another great song Dave and although I am now a Captain with United (formally Continental when your Taylor was broken) I can certainly empathize. Book on order.
Hi there,
Since you purchased the book, you are able to get an MP3 copy of the songs talked about in the book here:
Thoroughly enjoyed the book – well-written! I want to burn a CD of the videos and songs to include with the book in my library – can I download them somewhere?
loved the song, good job 🙂
Ian Stewart
My mother who travels frequent to visited her 100 year old mother in this January 2013 in South Vietnam. A 100 years old is my grandmother too. My mother had suffered many incident with United Airlines representatives- from Dallas, TX to Ho Chi Minh City, S. Vietnam. Customer care were not friendly and satisfactions. They rather humiliated and insulted at my mother. Every single time she traveled with United Airlines. She had tried to avoid travel with United Airlines, but there is a time when grandmother ills- went to emergency room. My mother must travel which ever available airlines on that date. On behalf on my mother and me– we thanks Dave Carroll for such wonderful creatives and dedications to waked up “businesspeople” and telling them that without customers satisfactions there won’t be business to produce profits and there won’t be customer services. United Airlines representative insisted my mother checking her oversize hand-bag (which she had a small handbag inside overside bag). Mother said no, they gave her very hard time. That was the last time she traveled with United Airlines. Mother wiling to paid extra air fee to staying away from United Airlines.
I’ve had things lost by airlines before, and most of the time, they’d just say, “Please speak to someone in our lost and found department. I had no idea that was a buck passing ceremony!
This story is really helpful, as we are not embarking on doing the, Ultimate Lou Rawls Tribute Performances with Lon Dorsey and Lou Rawls, Jr. and our musicians will be traveling constantly. This has made me much more aware of what to do when your property is lost or damaged.
Like probably thousands of other passengers, we just gave up and stopped calling lost and found. More like missing/stolen and it was totally ‘our’ loss. This is very helpful.
Thank you.
Hey Dave,
It’s Scott, your Keynote presentation artist. I am sitting here watching your video introducing your book. OK, its on my list, hope the guy in the red suit comes through:) I was just going through my client list looking as I send out my holiday greetings. I didn’t have an address for you, but I found your site just as great!
Happy Holidays and a New Year – and keep that social media kicking!
Just loved the video of United Breaks Guitars – danced around the kitchen endlessly to it – would love to read the book – please do an audio version !
Just wanted to let you know your song and book are being studied in little New Zealand at the bottom of the world!!! We referenced your work in our post grad study for emergency management, proving that social media use, and customer service is not just for big business, but important for everything. It was a pleasure reading and referencing you.
Nice song, i can suggest you to create a song for AirAsia with the theme ‘Everyday Delay’ 😉
Dave, You inspired me. Recently I was involved in a dispute with a Century 21 Realtor. His broker, and corporate couldn’t have cared less about the problem… until I began an online campaign, posting negative reviews, etc. THEN they wanted to talk, settle and reimburse me for the monies I lost due to their agents blatant lack of disclosure. To anyone who’s been ripped off by a company, we, the consumer, have the power, and Dave Carroll has shown that.
As Don said on June 18 2012 : continue efforts. Here in France, if you read instructions about musical instruments at many companies, you will see that insurance is lacking or out of price. The best you have to do is to pay a seat….
Quite possible and fine solution in low cost companies. But in some companies you see that a full size guitar is too large to fit on that seat !!!
I do not want any company to break my Ramirez Guitar.
Ramirez does not make Ukuleles. (Some examples of classical music with ukulele on YT).
So my concert guitar stays at home…..
Thanks to Dave and Bob.
United got their deserved comeuppance. And they get to suffer. And the power of YouTube creativity gone viral proves one band from Canada can strike back. And one heck of a catchy tune to boot. Never has taking it to the CEO in his pocket ever sounded so good. Give United all the hell they deserve and more. Great job and thanks for standing up for the little man.
Guess what United now loses kids! http://bobsutton.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/08/united-airlines-lost-my-friends-10-year-old-daughter-and-didnt-care.html
You have given a voice to the average person whao has been wronged by Big Business.
How about a song telling us how Ms. Irlwig is doing?!
Hi Dave…this is response number 2…my first one must have gone into cyber space…anyway…just wanted to say that I finished your book yesterday and I thoroughly loved it!! Your humor was great and the story kept me captivated…I had a hard time putting it down.:0) You really are an inspiration to all wish to follow their dreams…it brought me back many times to different events in my own life. Congratulations and well done….I will spread the word to everyone I know to buy the book. I bought mine on Kobo but today I bought a hard copy for my husband for his birthday. I’m really happy for your success…my favorite line is, “Oh dear God please don’t give us what we deserve”…however I feel you deserve all the blessings you received from this journey. Keep sharing all that goodness where ever you go. Best wishes for more to come in the future!
Love the song, bought the e-book through Kobo! Can’t wait to read it!
I read about your book in Josh Bernoff’s blog, bought it right away at amazon and took it with me on my summer holidays. What a great story to tell! I must be one of the very few people who got to know your story mostly via your book and not via the videos first ;-). Your voice – be it in singing or writing – is great. Keep on doing the things you do. I would be happy to visit one of your concerts if you come to Germany. And I look forward to receiving your “Perfect Blue” CD i ordered this afternoon. Cheers, Sibylle
The song done in country style itself was heraing pleasure, coz I love hearing country songs from my childhood to date. Unfortunately I can not afford the book. I like your “just do it” philosophy. Hope to follow you and achive something great. Goodluck to your future ventures.
Fantastic, David!! keep up the good work and great effort!
Read the book and it seems to be the same guy all thru the story.
Just great to see that guys like this still exist.
All the best to Dave and family and mandy thanks!
Love the song. Very catchy……..it actually made me buy the e-book 🙂 Great job, keep it up!